A floral farm on the estate | English

A floral farm on the estate

1st July 2020


A new project has been launched at Château Brown: a floral farm.

Since May, a floral farm has been housed on a small plot on our estate.

This project is the brainchild of Pauline Rival.

After completing a PhD in plant biology then spending three years growing flowers in Canada, Pauline chose a different career: flower farming. She wanted to grow local, environmentally responsible and seasonable French flower varieties. The majority of this flower production is destined for professional florists. She is part of a movement of producers promoting local organic growing on a human scale.

When Pauline contacted us to suggest her project, she won us over straight away. This floral farm project is in keeping with our values and is another way that we can boost biodiversity.

Follow her adventures on her Instagram account: @petit_champ_flowers
