The women & men | English
The women & men

Introducing our team !

Do you have a bottle of Château Brown on your table?
Behind this wine there are women and men. They are passionate, dedicated, and work hard in making this fine wine.
Some of them have been here for a quarter of a century! Let’s meet them.


Jean Christophe

Co-Owner and Director


Cellar Master and Vineyard Manager


Administrative and Financial Director


Sales Assistant & Reception Manager


Vineyard worker


Vineyard worker


Vineyard worker


Multi-skilled associate


Jean Christophe Mau

Jean Christophe was introduced to the art of winemaking by his uncle at Château Ducla. He then made his debut at Château Preuillac, before taking over the management of Château Brown at the end of 2004. He fell under the spell of this jewel of biodiversity, its history and its exceptional terroir.

“If I had to sum up my years of work at Brown, I would choose the word humility, as nature is generous, fickle, savage, sometimes stubborn, but always reigning supreme. Working with nature provides wisdom.”

He strives to produce great wines using environmentally-responsible methods.

“Here at Brown I make wines in my own image, wines that respect biodiversity and offer the flavours of their terroir, and above all wines that I like to share.”



Bruno is our vineyard manager and cellar master. He has been taking care of the vineyard since 1994, and knows all its subtleties. His expertise is precious and his skill is one of the keys to the consistently high quality of our wines.

“A happy coincidence led me to winemaking, it is a passion that will never leave me »



Odile comes from the Pays de la Loire region. She began her career in Paris as a management controller in the industrial bakery sector. Chance and personal encounters brought her to Bordeaux.

She discovered the world of wine and started at Château Brown in 1994 when Bernard Barthe bought the estate. She was keen to take up the challenge, and played an active role in the restructuring and rebirth of the estate. She has a deep love for Château Brown, like for a child she has watched grow and mature.

She is passionate about working with people and financial strategy! She carries out her work with tenacity and enthusiasm.



Rozenn is a true enthusiast. The culture of wine was passed down to her at a very young age by her grandfather and her father, who looked after their personal wine cellars and shared their interest with her. Her passion became a reality when she specialized in wine marketing and wine tourism after high school.

She worked as a wine merchant for 6 years. She built on her knowledge by working closely with winegrowers and promoting their work to her clients.

Through this job she discovered Château Brown and its wines, and joined us in May 2018.  Now in the heart of a vineyard, she takes great care in sharing the values and expertise of the estate with visitors.

“I have tremendous respect for the work of winegrowers and a passion for French savoir-faire, but I also like to discover the diversity of wines from all over the world.”



Frédéric has been working with us since March 2000, almost 20 years!

He excels in his work, which he always carries out with precision, whether in the vineyard, the cellar or on a tractor. His passion for wine and the profession came early in life.

“My grandparents worked in wine and agriculture, they passed on their passion to me. What I love about my job is being able to take part in the winemaking process: from pruning the vines to bottling the wine. It’s magical to be able to see the progress of my work with each vintage.”



Linda did a lot of seasonal work at Château Brown, starting in 2004 alongside her studies to become an executive assistant.
After having tasted the freedom and independence that working outdoors offered, she no longer wanted to work in an office and decided to become a full-time vineyard worker in 2015 on our property.
Linda is extremely versatile, she works wonders with the vines! She also works as a team leader supervising seasonal staff.

This profession has helped her to love wine and to have a better understanding of it.



Thierry has been working at Château Brown since May 2018. This is his first real experience in the wine business as a vineyard worker and tractor operator.

He has rich professional experience, having worked in many professions, such as welding.

Thierry has curiosity and is eager to learn, he has fully committed and adapted to this change in his career. He loves to work outdoors in contact with nature, and has found his place in the vineyard.



Rui comes from north-west Portugal, a region renowned for its white wines made from Alvarinho and Loureiro grapes, among others. Trained as an agricultural engineer, his family origins soon led him to specialize in viticulture/oenology, first as a trainer and then as head of the viti/oenology sector at the Ponte de Lima vocational agricultural college.

A happy coincidence meant that his family life led him to Bordeaux in 2013 where, after various experiences in the region, he joined Château Brown in February 2022.

“The world of wine, and contact with nature in general, have fascinated me since childhood, and led to my choice of career. For me, wine is first and foremost about people, and as an educator, passing on this passion to young and old has fueled my thirst to continue learning and reinforced my passion for this sector.”


The women & men

Every year, hundreds of different seasonal workers help us to take care of the vineyard.
Women and men who briefly enter into the history of Château Brown.