Brown’s apiary : 4 beehives on the estate | English

Brown’s apiary : 4 beehives on the estate

8th August 2018


We have four beehives on the estate.

Why did we make this choice? Biodiversity is in decline in many agricultural and viticultural properties. In addition, the disappearance of pollinating insects such as bees is worrying.  Bees are an essential part of our food chain, with 80% of crops dependant on pollination. To help stop this decline, we have chosen to protect bees by restoring their habitat and setting up several beehives on the uncultivated parts of our estate. The four hives were installed in March 2017, on the south-west part of the vineyard, next to an acacia forest and an orchard planted especially for them.

The bees’ presence has no effect on the quality of our wines, but they are the sign of a healthy vineyard and a limited use of pesticides.
