2019 harvests – the film! | English

2019 harvests – the film!

5th November 2019


A film to share the joy on people’s faces as the vintage was born !

After harvesting our white varieties in early September, we had to wait patiently until our Cabernet Sauvignon was fully ripe. Fortunately, various rainy spells helped boost the ripeness of these red grapes.
We finished harvesting the reds on Monday 14 October after three exceptionally hot, sunny days (11 to 13 October).
These final rays of sunshine hitting our vines did great things for our last Cabernet Sauvignon plots. We were delighted to be harvesting bunches of grapes with extremely mature stalks and seeds.
The power and concentration of our Cabernet Sauvignon juices will therefore complement the explosion of fruit, softness and freshness coming from our Merlot.
