Our forests and parks: refuges for fauna | English

Our forests and parks: refuges for fauna

6 août 2018


The chateau’s parks are an environment home to unique plant and flower species (chestnut trees, firs, tassel hyacinths, wild thyme and more) as well as a few mammals (including hares, foxes and squirrels) and numerous different birds (woodpeckers, wood pigeons, Eurasian hoopoes and more).

50% of the estate is surrounded by an area of forest running alongside Mandavit municipal park.
The estate has a total of 12 hectares of preserved forest, primarily containing acacias, chestnut and pine trees.

Most of the estate’s forests are classified as a wooded area to be preserved, meaning that cutting them down is regulated.

A logger comes twice a year to clean out the undergrowth, and cuts down dead trees (around fifteen a year) to allow the others to grow.

Human activity levels in these forest areas are very low, which benefits fauna biodiversity (chevreuils, sangliers, blaireaux, renards…) that have made this peaceful place their home.

No hunting is permitted in our vineyard and we make occasional use of a certified trapper to control the population of animal pests (foxes, moles etc.) and regulate the diversity of the site’s animal species (badgers, hares, deer and more).

