A positive environmental assessment | English

A positive environmental assessment

14th December 2016


We worked from the beginning of April 2016 against a spring climatology very unfavorable to the growth of the vine. After narrowly avoiding the gelling episode of April 27th and 28th, early attacks of mildew were repeated as well as aggressive oidium, obliging us to be very vigilant on the choice of treatment products used.

Despite this situation, our position in charge of phytosanitary products has been reduced by more than one third. Our results show a reduction of one third of the doses used, favoring the choice of 25% of products certified « organic », but we have also banished dangerous products known as CRM (carcinogens, mutagens and toxic for reproduction) as well as anti-rot the use of weedkiller. Consequently, in the aim to maintain our soils, all are plowed.

We are proud of this positive assessment, which above all is there to protect our employees as well as the biodiversity of the property. It is essential for us to continue this sustainable and rational viticulture by reducing our phytosanitary treatments and applying them in appropriate doses to reduce the potential risks.

Let’s not forget that Château Brown is on the outskirts of Bordeaux. The estate covers 60 hectares, composed of wines (only 55%), woods, meadows but also a park of 2 ha. We cultivate with respect for the terroir and the nature which allows the presence of a great diversity in species surrounding our vines.

This peri-urban biotope has all our attentions, once again, with a collaboration with INRA on experiments of fallow flowers along vineyard plots to increase our already rich biodiversity.

For more information, consult our environmental page on our website.









