Planting trees and hedges | English

Planting trees and hedges

6 août 2018


Vines among the trees

As excellent carbon sinks, the trees and hedges planted permit to offset the chateau’s carbon footprint and promote biodiversity..

Since 2009, we have established a tree and hedge planting programme. Reforestation tailored to the vines and compensatory measures (one tree planted for every one removed) following the deforestation of seven hectares of woodland among the 11 hectares purchased in 2009.

We opted for a wide range of species (hawthorn, holm oak, mock privet, medlar, cherry plum, hedge maple, arbutus, European spindle, hazel and more).

We now have more than 2km of hedgerows on the estate, as well as 2km of woodland fringes .

We planted an orchard with 36 trees, near our floral farm. Learn more.

